Monday, August 3, 2009

David Kelley: Human Centred Design

Design has gone to a new level as creators have approached design in a different way by concluding their ideas on enhancing the world but rather a better environment for the community. David Kelley, a legendary designer and founder of IDEO discusses that design is heading in the direction of a new and an improved future as products are now designed to revolve around humans. The designers approach nowadays is to put behaviour and personality into products rather than creating objects/products that are made to be aesthetically pleasing to the eye. This new advance approaches each human sense, i.e. see, feel, hear, taste and smell.

Every one of the designs shown in the video are designed to be interactive and benefit the consumer in some way. One of the many interesting designs is the Prada store designed by IDEO; with its liquid crystal glass door for the changing rooms. With a touch of a button, the customer can change the door from opaque to transparent and vice versa. In addition is the “magic mirror” which has a three second delay, allowing the person to see their self from behind. This overall enhances retail experience and makes shopping more enjoyable; perhaps even for men.

On the whole, most of the technology shown in the video has not been worldly introduced, however, it is amazing to see how far some designers have come to make design more human centred. I think industrial designers should watch this video as it would allow them to understand what designed has evolved to and that is that products are more about the user’s experience and not the product itself.

* Video from

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